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Replies to RFP Queries in Pre-Bid Meeting


Sr. No Question Answer


Validity: 180 Days of Validity of the Quotation (P-17)

The Question was raised, and it was informed that if EOBI gets 50% of the vendors requesting for the relaxation in the period than EOBI may consider this, but is was not the case. Hence, the validity periods remains same i.e. 180 days.

Category 1

Sr. No Question Answer


Annex-C (Page-21)
ntel Pentium Dual Core Processor E6400 1.8Ghz Hile Intel Dual Core 1.8Ghz is E2160

“Dual Core” be read as   “Core  2 Duo”


10 Laptops

Considered deleted


What is cable management branded wrapper

It for systems data and power cable spiral cable of good quality


It was pointed out that for the workstations E6400 is being announced as end of life.

We stick to our requirement.


Server specs need clarification on scalability with respect to processor and RAM, form factor

The scalability was explained and specs require no changes with respect to processor and RAM but form factor is would be 2U.


About resident engineer:
Nos., location,
Skills (BCS,MCS), Where we propose the cost of engineer.

One Engineer at Head office, skilled enough to handle the delivered equipments, and cost may be bundled up in total cost.

Category 2
Sr. No Question Answer


Software (P-21)
Anti virus for Vista at desktops, it should be Linux, pl. clarify.

Yes, it should be for Microsoft Windows


NW & Host IDS Application SW needed?

Yes required


What is audit training?

It is Information system Audit training, like that of ISACA’s but the vendor must visit us to ascertain the need.


Weblogic, which one

Weblogic advantage

Category 3

Sr. No Question Answer


Do you need firewall and IPS separately or in one box?

In one box


Page 21
Pl. clarify the level of NMS.

Centralized Configuration, Fault, Performance, Security management with


Need clarification,
What is the scope of work?

Please read page number 4 and 5


Optional Equipment, Configuration?
(i) Router with 2 more configurations
WLAN access points with ISDN/POTS dual mode with One WAN port.

(i) One configuration is same as that of core router with change in modules i.e. 6 Ethernet and 2 fiber.  Another one is high performance router with VPN/encryption 16 serial ports with 128kbps scalable to 2mbps, 4 Ethernet ports of layer 3

(ii) Same as Wireless routers but with ISDN/POTS WAN port


How much bandwidth is required at each port of the Core Data Center Switches (Fast Ethernet / Gigabit Ethernet)?

As mentioned in specification


How much bandwidth is required at each port of the Edge Switches (Fast Ethernet / Gigabit Ethernet)?

As mentioned in specification


What type of Ethernet ports (Layer-2/Layer-3) is required in the Core Router of the Data Center?

Layer 3


How many SFP ports will be required in the Core Router of the Data Center? And Which type of SFP is required (Copper or Fiber) in the Core Router of the Data Center?

As mentioned in specification i.e. 2 fiber modules in SFP ports/slots


In case of DXX media, are Serial interfaces required in the Core Router in Data Center at HO for WAN Connectivity?

Yes there should be provision of serial interface in core router not actual module but provision.


What type of Ethernet ports (Layer-2/Layer-3) is required in the intranet / Extranet Router?

Layer 3


How many SFP ports will be required in the intranet/Extranet Router?

Just SFP ports/slots but no module.


What type of WAN port is required (ADSL/ISDN/Ethernet routed port) in the Wireless Router at Regional Offices to Connect to WAN?

Ethernet routed port


Kindly confirm the length of the Data cable required per branch

Please quote in running feet, with total estimation given in the specs.


Kindly confirm the type of the face plate required (single or dual)?



Kindly confirm the size and quantity of PVC pipe?

It should accommodate about 6 cables, thin and wide


What is the required UTP Cable brand?

No brand specified, but any well known brand as mentioned in the RFP


PVC Conducting Method (Concealed/Open) in Head and Remote Offices?



Can we Use 12 Port Patch Panel



How many Nos. of Fixed Trays and Sliding Trays are required in 42U Cabinet

2 fixed and one sliding


Kindly explain point no.8 and 9a because proper cabling for WLAN (I/O, Patch Cord and Drop Cord) will be required.

Please consider point no. 8 as deleted.


Do Vendors Provide Resident Engineer for Head Office only or all 33 Remote Offices

Only one for Head office


Exchange prefix list is required

The Phone numbers and other details are available on our website,

Category 4
Sr. No Question Answer

Aggregating of 33 links has been asked as 2mbps, can it be a total sum? Or it should be what you have asked.

What we have as per RFP


The format of financial proposal asking us to quote a unit rate is difficult to follow if we are proposing the solution as mix and match topology. The link may be different. Can we quote the individual link cost specifying all?

Yes it can so maintaining the written format as well.


In Annexure-D you are asking for fixed + recurring cost for one year, the fixed cost goes zero after one year, so this cost can not be taken if you are analyzing three or any number of years.

We are considering as mentioned in RFP. One time fixed cost and recurring cost for one year.


The document tells 33 sites for connectivity while addresses of 31 sites have been given describe the other two.

33 offices have 31 location2, the two offices may be moved to different location in future.


Is there any requirement of internet bandwidth as the diagram shows, what it is?

The diagram is to give you general picture that we intend to have. No we do not require internet bandwidth at this point in time.

Category 5
Sr. No Question Answer


Where the No. of PCs running at remote offices are mentioned Max. No. of PCs at any site not>6.

Gemnet 3 KVA UPS support upto 12 PCs. Please suggest

Please provide as per specs.


Is backup time required either on actual load or full load

Full load


Backup time required

10 minutes


Capacity of generator at regions

6KVA without AVR


Earthing required at regions and head office



Will there be any input distribution board for input connection of the UPS in the same room not 4 or 5 feet far from the UPS where it will be supposed to place

Yes but the vendor has to ensure that the required input board and sockets are of the quality grade to avoid any problem.


What do you mean by housing.

Proper casing and base for the UPS and batteries and other accessories if any


Will there be ACs for UPS

Proper casing and base for the UPS and batteries and other accessories if any


Does the quotation required is per end-point or will per running feet as per RFP?

Please add a row in the table of page 22 of 25 in the RFP as follows;
“300 no. of points”
for regional locations and head office exclusive of data center.

Category 6
Sr. No Question Answer

 A/C’s brand

General or equal


Cable tray powder coated or angle

Powder coated


False ceiling size & material

Please refer page 23 of 27, fire resistant and as per standard


Earth-pit, Earth cable size and material

Not required by category-6 vendor for IT equipment.


Power cable size for data Center

For power cables for ACs, light boxes etc, the site may be visited


Complete installation of Data Center and NW control centre

Who will do?

The IT equipment would be commissioned by the respective category vendors, albeit the data center fixture should be modular so that it can be shifted in next couple of years.


TIA-942 tier-1 for Data center document if available

Yes, please send an email for the soft copy of this.


Layout & Dimension for furniture and fixture

Yes, can be collected on the next working day.


Furniture model, if any

Please visit our City Regional Office at EOBI House (Old-Awami Markaz)


Room temperature and humidity controller are only for data center or also for staff areas

Only for data center and power room.


No. of points for data and voice

Each work area should have provision for computer power, printer, one data and one voice.


Shifting of main door of IT department, in which scope

We shall do.


Technical staff designation; so we can do seating accordingly

Please collect on the next working day.


We want to quote fire suppression unit for different brand, can we

Yes, any equivalent


Light boxes for data center or whole department

For whole department; but it could be different for data center than the other office area.


Note: Last Date of Submission of RFP:   14/02/2008 at 10.30 AM
Date of Opening of RFP:                  14/02/2008 at 11.00 AM
Last updated:                                      11/02/2008