Action Plan















Key activities of EOBI are enumerated below

  • Registration of Employers
  • Registration of Employees
  • Collection of Contribution
  • Disbursement of Benefits

The Action Plan prepared in the light of Vision, Mission and strategy in respect of key activities is as under:-

Registration of Employers:

Pension Scheme:

Registration in State Pension Scheme (SPS) should be mandatory and not voluntary.

Progressive Flat Rate Scheme:
The Scheme should be simple, easy to understand and implement. Keeping in view recommendations of experts, Scheme based on Progressive Flat Rate Contribution and fixed benefits determined by sound actuarial valuation should be introduced*.

Participation of Employees:
Contribution may be made by employer and employee, which should gradually be increased to enable enhancement in benefits on graduated scale.  A sample of proposed Scheme based on actuarial estimation is placed as annex I for conceptual clearance and approval.  It shall be firmed up after proper actuarial valuation based on latest statistics.

Self Assessment Scheme:
The Scheme should encourage automatic voluntary registration. Self-assessed contribution should be accepted with provision for test-check/audit of a reasonable %age of cases on the principle of risk management through parametric selection based on relevant information, consequent forced registration and assessment according to evidence.

Test-checks and Audits should be approved, supervised and monitored by Zonal Offices.

Exemption/waiver for past liabilities may be given where no employee has registered himself with EOBI or where no proceedings for registration have been initiated by EOBI. Draft proposal is placed as annex-II.

1- Averting Old-Age Crisis; World Bank’s October 1994 Study
2- Possible Future Developments in EOB Scheme; by Samiul Hasan

Forced registration and assessment of demand may be made on the basis of material evidence collected through internal survey, where registerable establishments do not register on their own.

Map Survey of industrial and commercial establishments shall be conducted to collect information from all possible sources without contacting the employers to build up complete record of all employers and the evidence necessary for identification of registerable cases. The information shall be authenticated by Regional Head and test-checked by Zonal Head. Details of the Scheme are placed at annex-III.

Targets of registration shall be fixed on the basis of potential of registerable cases and suppression of contribution.

Efforts shall be made to develop standard norms of various industries in collaboration with employer and employee representatives, chambers, associations etc. Registration shall be made and contribution determined on the basis of number of employees under moral pressure of associations of trade and industry.

Quality of orders for forced registration and assessment of demand for contribution shall be ensured by confrontation of evidence collected and compiled through survey, quoting parallel cases and standard/norms of industries in fool-proof manner.

Registration of Employees:
Employers’ Directories based on information collected through map-survey shall be compiled indicating Beats, Regions and Zones by EDP. The system shall generate list of registerable cases based on standard parameters, which may be subjected to audit.

The audit programme shall be approved by Zonal Head.  It shall be closely monitored and supervised by him to ensure that no harassment is caused and contribution is determined on fair and justifiable basis.

The number of employees shall be ascertained from the attendance registers, employee cards, pay roll registers, wage registers, payment record or other relevant evidence.

Determination of Contribution
Amount of monthly contribution shall be determined by multiplying number of employees with amount of fixed contribution.

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